From Slate podcasts, Hi-Phi Nation begins with a story, and seeks to extract big ideas, unquestioned assumptions, and unexamined conflicts in those stories. We then engage in an exploration of those ideas, assumptions, and conflicts with philosophers and other scholars. It is the first show weaving philosophy with narrative storytelling, investigative journalism, and sound design. The show is written, edited, and produced by Barry Lam. Barry is an alum of UC Irvine and former program director and general manager at KUCI 88.9FM. A PhD in philosophy at Princeton University, Barry is Associate Professor of Philosophy at Vassar College. Hi-Phi Nation has received critical acclaim at the Guardian, Huffington Post, Indiewire (1, 2, 3), and lots of other places. For Slate podcasts, Alicia Montgomery is Executive Producer, June Thomas is Senior Managing Producer, Asha Saluja is Operations Manager, and Gabriel Roth is Editorial Director. Support has been made possible by the Whiting Foundation, National Endowment for the Humanities, the Humanities-Writ Large Fellowship, the Frances Fergusson Technology Fund, and the Eleanor Nims Brink fund. Barry also gives intensive workshops in podcast production, particularly for philosophers, professors, and higher-education media producers. Email hiphination at slate dot com.